CPC- Mississauga

Case Processing Centre: Mississauga, Ontario, is an IRCC office that presently handles the following types of applications (subject to change):

1. Sponsorship of parents and grandparents
2. Applications under the Spouse or Common-Law Partner in Canada Class
3. Permanent residence applications from within Canada for protected persons and convention refugees.


Case Processing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario


Canadian Police Information Centre


Case Processing Centre in Winnipeg


Convention Refugee


CR4 refers to a convention refugee living abroad who is self-sufficient and does not require government assistance.


CR5 represents a convention refugee living abroad who has special needs and has been chosen under Joint Assistance Sponsorship for resettlement.


CRA stands for Canada Revenue Agency, which is the government agency responsible for taxation matters in Canada.


CRC indicates a convention refugee living outside their home country who has been granted resettlement with the support of a community sponsorship in Canada.


CREAC stands for Conclusion, Rules, Explanation, Application, and Conclusion. It is a framework often used in legal writing and analysis to structure and present arguments or analysis in a systematic manner.