CC stands for Canadian Citizen


CCLB stands for the Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks. It is an organization in Canada that is responsible for the development and implementation of language standards and benchmarks for assessing language proficiency in English and French.

The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks works towards establishing a common framework for language assessment, instruction, and recognition across Canada. It collaborates with various stakeholders, including language training providers, educational institutions, immigration authorities, and settlement organizations.

The main objectives of the CCLB include:

Language Standards: The CCLB develops and maintains the Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB) framework, which outlines the language skills and competencies required at different proficiency levels in English and French. These benchmarks provide a consistent and reliable measure of language proficiency across Canada.

Language Assessment: The CCLB develops assessment tools and resources based on the CLB framework. These assessments are used to evaluate language proficiency for various purposes, such as immigration applications, employment requirements, and language training placement.

Curriculum and Training: The CCLB supports the development of language training curriculum and resources that align with the CLB framework. It provides guidance and training to language instructors and practitioners to ensure effective language instruction and learner progress.

Research and Development: The CCLB conducts research and collaborates on projects related to language assessment, proficiency standards, and best practices in language instruction. It seeks to enhance language assessment methodologies and improve language training outcomes.

The Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks plays a crucial role in promoting language proficiency standards and ensuring consistency in language assessment and instruction across Canada. Its efforts contribute to the integration and success of newcomers, language learners, and individuals seeking to demonstrate their language skills for various purposes.


CCR stands for the Canadian Council for Refugees. It is a non-profit organization in Canada that advocates for the rights and well-being of refugees, asylum seekers, and other vulnerable migrants. The CCR works towards promoting a humane and inclusive approach to refugee protection and settlement in Canada.

The Canadian Council for Refugees engages in various activities and initiatives to support its mission, including:

Advocacy: The CCR advocates for refugee rights and protection, both domestically and internationally. It engages with government officials, policymakers, and other stakeholders to influence policies and laws related to refugee and immigration issues. The CCR campaigns for fair and just refugee processes, access to legal representation, and the rights of refugees and migrants.

Capacity Building: The CCR provides resources, training, and support to its member organizations and other service providers working with refugees and vulnerable migrants. It promotes knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and best practices to enhance the capacity of organizations involved in refugee settlement and integration.

Public Awareness and Education: The CCR conducts public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to raise awareness about refugee issues and promote a more informed and compassionate understanding of forced displacement and migration. It seeks to challenge stereotypes and promote positive narratives about refugees and newcomers.

Research and Policy Development: The CCR conducts research and policy analysis to contribute evidence-based recommendations and solutions on refugee and migration issues. It provides expertise and input on legislative and policy developments related to refugee protection, resettlement, and integration.

The Canadian Council for Refugees serves as a national platform for collaboration, dialogue, and collective action among its member organizations and other stakeholders involved in refugee and migration issues.

Through its advocacy efforts and partnerships, the CCR works towards building a more inclusive and welcoming society for refugees and migrants in Canada.


CCTB stands for the Canada Child Tax Benefit. It is a tax-free monthly payment provided by the Government of Canada to eligible families to help with the cost of raising children. The Canada Child Tax Benefit is intended to assist families with the expenses related to child care, education, and other essential needs.

Here are some key points about the Canada Child Tax Benefit:

Eligibility: The benefit is available to families with children who are under the age of 18 and are Canadian residents. Eligibility is determined based on various factors, including family income, the number of children in the household, and the child’s age.

Application: To receive the Canada Child Tax Benefit, families need to apply through the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). The application process involves providing information about the child, the parents or guardians, and their income.

Benefit Amount: The amount of the Canada Child Tax Benefit is determined based on factors such as family income, the number of children, and the child’s age. The benefit is calculated on an annual basis and is typically paid monthly to eligible families.

Enhanced Benefits: The Canada Child Tax Benefit includes additional benefits for low-income families, such as the National Child Benefit Supplement (NCBS) and the Child Disability Benefit (CDB). These supplements provide extra financial support to families who have lower incomes or have children with disabilities.

Canada Child Benefit: In July 2016, the Canada Child Tax Benefit was replaced by the Canada Child Benefit (CCB), which is a consolidated and enhanced child benefit program. The CCB incorporates the previous benefits, including the CCTB, and provides a more streamlined and simplified approach to supporting families with children.

The Canada Child Tax Benefit, now part of the Canada Child Benefit program, aims to help families meet the financial needs associated with raising children and contribute to their well-being. It is an important social support provided by the Canadian government to support families and invest in the future of children.


CCVT stands for the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture. It is a non-profit organization based in Canada that provides support and assistance to survivors of torture and their families. The CCVT offers a range of services to help survivors rebuild their lives and heal from the physical and psychological effects of torture.

Here are key points about the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture (CCVT):

Support Services: The CCVT offers a comprehensive range of support services tailored to the needs of survivors of torture. These services include counseling, therapy, legal and immigration assistance, medical referrals, and social support. The organization works with a multidisciplinary team of professionals to address the various aspects of a survivor’s well-being.

Advocacy and Human Rights: The CCVT advocates for the rights and well-being of survivors of torture. It works to raise awareness about torture and its impacts, engages in advocacy efforts to improve support systems and policies for survivors, and promotes respect for human rights and dignity.

Community Integration: The CCVT supports survivors of torture in their integration into Canadian society. This includes assistance with housing, education, employment, language training, and other aspects of settlement. The organization recognizes the importance of providing survivors with the tools and resources they need to rebuild their lives and become active members of their communities.

Training and Education: The CCVT provides training and educational programs for professionals and service providers working with survivors of torture. These programs aim to enhance understanding, sensitivity, and effectiveness in providing support to survivors and addressing their unique needs.

Research and Policy Development: The CCVT conducts research and contributes to policy development in the field of torture survivor support. The organization seeks to contribute to evidence-based practices and advocate for policies that uphold the rights and well-being of survivors.

The Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture plays a vital role in providing support, advocacy, and resources to survivors of torture, recognizing the unique challenges they face and the importance of healing and rebuilding their lives. The organization is dedicated to promoting human rights, justice, and the well-being of survivors within the Canadian context.


The Centre of Expertise in Security Cases is an IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) office located in Montreal. It is responsible for handling cases related to inadmissibility to Canada, particularly those involving security concerns, human rights violations, or organized criminality.

Here are some key points about the Centre of Expertise in Security Cases:

Admissibility Determination: The Centre of Expertise in Security Cases focuses on assessing the admissibility of individuals applying for entry or status in Canada. Its primary role is to thoroughly evaluate cases involving potential security risks, human rights violations, or involvement in organized criminal activities.

Security Concerns: The Centre of Expertise deals with cases where individuals may pose a security threat to Canada. This includes individuals with suspected links to terrorism, espionage, or other activities that could jeopardize the safety and well-being of Canadians.

Human Rights Violations: Cases involving individuals who have been implicated in human rights violations or serious crimes against humanity are also handled by the Centre of Expertise. These cases require careful examination and consideration of international human rights standards.

Organized Criminality: The Centre of Expertise is responsible for assessing cases involving organized criminal activities, such as participation in organized crime syndicates, smuggling, human trafficking, or other criminal enterprises.

Expertise and Collaboration: The Centre of Expertise in Security Cases brings together experienced officers and specialists who have in-depth knowledge and expertise in security-related matters. They work closely with other government agencies, law enforcement bodies, and intelligence agencies to gather information, analyze risks, and make informed decisions on admissibility.

Procedural Fairness: While the Centre of Expertise focuses on security concerns and inadmissibility, it also ensures that individuals have the opportunity to present their case and provide relevant information in a fair and transparent manner. The principles of procedural fairness, including the right to be heard and the right to provide evidence, are upheld during the assessment process.

The Centre of Expertise in Security Cases plays a crucial role in safeguarding the security and integrity of Canada’s immigration system. By assessing cases involving potential security risks, human rights violations, and organized criminality, it helps maintain the safety and well-being of Canadians and ensures that immigration processes align with the values and laws of the country.


Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Canada Immigration Centre


College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants – the organization that oversees immigration consultant professionals.


The Canadian Parliament’s Committee on Citizenship and Immigration