GCMS notes are essential for individuals, lawyers, and representatives dealing with immigration-related matters in Canada. However, understanding the notes can be a challenge due to the frequent use of abbreviations. In this article, we will discuss commonly used abbreviations in GCMS notes and what they mean.
- A-Number: Application Number, a unique number assigned to each immigration application received by IRCC.
- ADR: Alternative Dispute Resolution, a process used to resolve disputes between the IRCC and an applicant.
- AOR: Acknowledgment of Receipt, a document that confirms the IRCC has received an applicant’s immigration application.
- BGC: Background Check, a process used to verify an applicant’s personal and employment history, among other things.
- CAIPS: Computer Assisted Immigration Processing System, a predecessor to GCMS used to store immigration application information.
- CoPR: Confirmation of Permanent Residence, a document issued to successful candidates in the Express Entry immigration system.
- CoR: Confirmation of Readiness, a document issued to successful candidates in the Express Entry immigration system.
- CoR:Principal: Confirmation of Readiness – Principal, a document issued to successful candidates in the Express Entry immigration system.
- Criminality: An applicant’s criminal record, which is considered during the immigration application process.
- CSQ: Certificate de sélection du Québec, a document required for those immigrating to Quebec as a skilled worker.
- CSE: Case Specific Enquiry, a request made to the IRCC for information on a specific immigration application.
- CIC: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the former name of IRCC.
- CIO: Centralized Intake Office, the office responsible for initial processing of immigration applications.
- CPC: Case Processing Centre, the office responsible for processing certain components of an applicant’s immigration application.
- DCO: Domestic Case Officer, an IRCC officer responsible for processing certain components of an applicant’s immigration application.
- DM: Decision Made, a status update indicating that a decision has been made on an applicant’s immigration application.
- Due Date: The deadline for an applicant to submit required documents or information as part of their immigration application.
- ECAS: Electronic Client Application Status, an online system that allows applicants to track the status of their immigration application.
- FOSS: Field Operations Support System, a database used by IRCC officers to process immigration applications.
- GCMS: Global Case Management System, the system used by IRCC to store immigration application information.
- H&C Considerations: Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations, used to assess an applicant’s request for special consideration due to extenuating circumstances.
- HIRV: Hazard, Impact, Risk, and Vulnerability, an assessment tool used by the IRCC to identify potential security risks.
- IME: Immigration Medical Exam, required for most applicants to ensure they are medically admissible to Canada.
- Info Sharing: Sharing of an applicant’s personal and confidential information between IRCC and other government agencies, as necessary.
- IP1: Immigration Paper 1, a status update indicating that an applicant’s immigration application is being processed.
- IP2: Immigration Paper 2, a status update indicating that an applicant’s immigration application is being finalized.
- ITA: Invitation to Apply, an invitation issued to candidates in the Express Entry immigration system to apply for permanent residency.
- LOE: Letter of Explanation, a document provided by an applicant to explain any discrepancies or issues in their immigration application.
- Lock-in Date: The date an applicant’s immigration application is considered complete, after which any changes to the application may require additional processing time.
- MPNP: Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program
- MB/SK Region: Manitoba/Saskatchewan Region
- NCR: National Capital Region
- NIV: Non-Immigrant Visa
- OMC: Operational Management Committee
- PCH: Port of Entry Control System Helpdesk
- PDR: Positive Deportation Recommendation
- PFL: Permanent Foreign National
- POE: Port of Entry
- POI: Place of Issue
- PRRA: Pre-Removal Risk Assessment
- PV: Policy and Program Development Branch
- RAD: Refugee Appeal Division
- RDIMS: Records, Document and Information Management System
- RPD: Refugee Protection Division
- RPRF: Right of Permanent Residence Fee
- SC: Security Clearance
- SCLPC: Specialized Case List Processing Centre
- SDA: Secondary Disposition Area
- SDF: Special Duty Foreign Service
- SOW: Statement of Work
- SP: Security Panel
- SPL: Summary of Preliminary Findings
- SRU: Special Response Unit
- TRV: Temporary Resident Visa
- UCMS: Universal Case Management System
- UFMS: Upgraded Field Management System
- UPD: Undocumented Person
- UPM: Universal Program Management
- UYMI: Updated Yearly Maintenance Instructions
The use of abbreviations in GCMS notes can make them difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with them. If you are requesting your GCMS notes, it’s important to take the time to review the abbreviations to ensure you understand the information contained in them.
At GCMSApply.com, we are dedicated to helping our clients access their GCMS notes in a simple, efficient, and secure manner. Our experienced professionals prioritize high-quality service and are available to answer any questions you may have. Whether you are an individual, lawyer, or representative, we are here to assist you in obtaining your GCMS notes and entire file notes from IRCC and CBSA. Our user-friendly platform simplifies the request process and our secure payment system ensures the protection of your personal and financial information.
We are committed to excellence and continuously strive to improve our services. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We look forward to serving you and helping you access the information you need.