The Basis of Claim (BOC) is a form used in the context of refugee claims in Canada. Specifically, it refers to the form RPD.02.01, which is completed by individuals seeking refugee protection to provide a detailed description of the reasons for their claim.

The BOC form allows claimants to outline the circumstances, events, and factors that have led them to seek protection as a refugee in Canada. It provides an opportunity for individuals to present their case and explain why they fear persecution or face significant harm in their home country. The form typically includes sections where claimants can describe their personal background, the specific incidents or threats they have experienced, and any supporting evidence they may have.

The BOC form is an essential document in the refugee determination process, as it helps the Refugee Protection Division (RPD) of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) assess the claimant’s eligibility for refugee status. The information provided in the BOC form, along with any supporting documentation and testimonies, is considered in determining whether the claimant meets the legal criteria to be recognized as a refugee in Canada.

It is crucial for claimants to complete the BOC form accurately and comprehensively, as it serves as a primary basis for evaluating the validity and credibility of their refugee claim.